Kids at the Museum
The Gate House Museum works with Carroll County Public Schools and kids organizations to provide meaningful service learning and volunteer opportunities such as:

Tours, Trunks and Activities
Free guided ~40 min.-1.5 hour tours on the topics of:
General Sykesville History (Main Street)
Springfield Hospital
Sykesville Parks
Snallygaster Murals and their ties to historical events
Traveling lesson/lab available on Native American Points Identification (grades 6-12)
Bake Along Program (see our Living History Tab)

Internships and Service Learning
Volunteers are always needed for the following tasks:
1. Scanning and archiving to our upcoming online database
2. Researching special topics from our collections for featured displays
3. Assisting with special events and speakers
4. Set up/tear down for Christmas (mid November/early January) and deep cleaning (January)
The Gate House is an approved site for CCPS service learning hours. Students grades 7-12 with a specific interest in history are accepted.
We offer a small stipend for Summer interns wishing to gain experience in the field of public history, museum studies, or practical research.

Event Collaboration
We host talks several times a year on general and local history. If you, or someone you know might be interested in speaking, reach out to us at our email at the bottom of this page.
We are also hoping to restart our Downtown Holiday House Tours in December of 2023.